Our story sounds like so many other stories born during Covid restrictions time. You'll remember the dark, isolated, cold world we retreated into. It felt like everything was still, put on hold indefinitely.... very much like long, blustery winters. But like winters, beneath the frozen ground, opportunities for growth were  developing.

The gardening self is deeply rooted in family. Both sides of my family were hard working farmers. Father's family lived in a lush, verdant valley in Europe where fruit orchards and vineyards were bountiful. Mother's home was in a small village where farms cultivated wheat, potatoes, beans and various veggies. Their vast knowledge base was passed on to us through observation and practice....better known as chores.

 Terrace2Table's origin story - or my story - may not be unlike your story or the story of someone you know. The effects of Covid on society were devastating. We lost everything - business, home, financial security - a terrifying prospect for me a redefined senior. Yup...I'm old.

The move back home to my 92 year old mom, had its ups and downs. Her need for direct personal care was growing and, well, my Universe had determined that I would be just that person to care for her. And I needed a place to live. What better place than with my mom...a Master Gardener.

My 'AHA!" moment came one day while unpacking remnants of a failed seedling starting project. The idea was right up my garden alley but its execution was flawed. I recognized the project's failings... and its strengths. I had to reinvent Terrace2Table, with authentic core values at the base. By the end of 2021, the basement spare room had transformed into the 'lower level office/R&D/production facility/distribution centre.

Those core values lead me to research and locate suppliers who would supply Terrace2Table with the most eco-friendly, sustainable supplies and materials. The herb and veggie seeds, seed pods, seed starting medium, seed packets, and plant markers had to be of the best quality, organic, and truly compostable and biodegradable. The product had to be moisture stable to prevent premature germination, or worse, to prevent mold. Experiments and trials went on for a few months until the results were exceptional.

 I had not expected or planned on the blessings that my fledgling enterprise would provide to my mother. Understand, my mother, like many strong women of her age, never adopted the practice of sitting. But with failing memory, she would often throughout the day, be at a loss of what to do with herself. The Terrace2Table project gave her a sense of purpose, contributing to roles she could embrace. She folded boxes, filled pods, stuck labels on those boxes and pods, counted inventories, and did anything else I could assign her that would make her feel productive and happy.

My Universe is finally swinging some favour in our direction. The Terrace2Table project has gently grown since its genesis. Those display tomato plants in vases that customers wanted to buy will be available at the farmer markets I attend. Packaging has improved. The website and marketing are getting a much needed sprucing up. 

Even though your story and my story differ in many ways, they share an essential similarity ... the need for growth, whether it's intellectual, spiritual, social or whatever, we thrive on change, purpose, and community. A Terrace2Table pod is a simple yet empowering way to have you cultivate a garden of growth, to satisfy your soul, and to nourish your body. Welcome back!


Please share your stories of growth. Your stories of creativity during Covid are encouraged!!